The ultimate guide to create a social media marketing plan

In the beginning, social media were created with one purpose; serves as a channel to connect with other people, but now it has become so much more for brands.

You can reach billions of existing users, as well as millions who enter daily for the first time.

This is why brands took the opportunity to make their entrance to social media to monopolize them and be what keeps users wanting more.

Social networks such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Tik Tok, WhatsApp etc, are means that generate sales opportunities, increase reach, improve customer loyalty, and improve communication with your target audience. This is why we give you some recommendations so you can optimize your networks and give them the best possible use by incorporating a social media marketing plan:

Questions you should ask to yourself… To whom is this product or service I want to sell for? You should research how they think, what they consume, who they are, their demographic, psychological and socioeconomic characteristics to target them specifically through your content.

What are your company’s goals? Having a plan is going to help you know if you’re succeeding or not, it’s basically a specific summary of what you plan to do with your business. Remember that your goals must be achievable so that they can be measurable, it is necessary to be realistic so that it is possible to measure your progress and adjust the strategy if necessary. You can use a SMART chart to help you achieve your goals.

After you decide which social network to join, you should have specific goals for each one since all networks focus on different audiences and have different tools. As it is not necessary to have a presence in all of them, it would be ideal to investigate which is the best social network that fits with the characteristics of your brand.

You have already chosen your social media platforms; you have already optimized the
profiles and now it’s time to make a content plan to have the posts up to date because being constant is extremely important. It’s not just publishing and selling; you also must create content that’s relevant to your brand. It can be entertaining, informative, diverse, original, use different formats and the content is interesting to your niche.

The organic reach is limited, so you will have to support yourself by creating campaigns with paid ads. The good thing is that social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn allow you to segment your audience in age, gender, location, etc. It makes it easier to distribute your brand to potential customers quickly. Other ways to promote your brand can be incorporating contests, alliances with & quot; influencers & quot; and exclusive discounts.

There’s a way to tell if your investment is paying off or is just not worth it. ROI stands for & quot; Return on Investment & quot; and is used to measure whether the business made money or lost the investment. It can be any expense you made to improve the business such as advertising, new equipment, etc. The formula is PROFIT – INVESTMENT divided by the initial investment. If the profit was $20,000 and you invested only $1,000 you subtract it and then divide it by $1,000. Your return on investment was 19 times the initial investment.

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