How can you optimize your delivery platform?

As business owners with a model that sells food, whether it’s restaurants, supermarkets or fast foods, you have to be where your customers are.

Since the pandemic, there has been an exponential growth in food delivery and many platforms have developed such as Uber Eats, DoorDash, DameUnBite, Uva!, Lunchera, Buy Pin, FoodNetPR, Tupyx, and Munchies.

After registering on the platform that is most convenient for your business and uploading both the legal documents and the relevant licenses. You will be able to start using it depending on the platform in a period between a few minutes or a few days in which they take to accept your business. Adding the rest is another matter since it can take weeks to integrate all the photos, descriptions, prices, branding, modifiers, recommendations, or bundles, among others.

On this type of platform, the most important thing is to attract customers with photos of your products that make an impact, that are of good quality and that are seen in an organized way by dividing the products by categories. Remember that customers are hungry and looking for a solution to their problem of not being able to find their food for whatever reason. Therefore, there are customers who knows the business and others who do not, so they order from a new restaurant who satisfies them visually. Having an optimized menu will help the customer have a better idea of what they are going to get when they place their order, so you must give the customer the opportunity to customize it as they want and navigate the platform smoothly.

Contact us today! We know that it can be complicated, or you may be short on time. We are available to answer your questions and guide you through the process of integrating more technology into your business.

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